Moving with the Elements

Moving with the Elements


Moving with the Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, and Air is a four-part series of classes. Each class can be purchased individually or as the whole series - this is for all four classes.

Root Down: Earth Element- This class was designed to connect you back to the Earth, your Root Chakra, and your Self. It's a slower class focused on grounding through the breath, feet, and touch, where you can expect to feel stable, secure, relaxed, and connected. Prop-optional, (26min). Purchase individual class here

Flow like Water: Water Element- This class was designed to connect you to the water element through a vinyasa-style practice where each movement is linked with the breath, bringing you into a flowy, fluid state. This one breath, one movement class creates a moving meditation, which will allow you to fully embody the water element from within, helping you feel relaxed, connected, and in the flow. Two blocks suggested, (50min). Purchase individual class here

Free like the Wind: Air Element- This class was designed to connect you to the air element through a vinyasa-style practice that moves you around the mat like leaves in the wind. Each movement is linked with the breath, connecting you to your ever-constant breeze within. This one breath, one movement class creates a moving meditation, which will allow you to fully embody the air element from within, helping you feel empowered and free. Prop-optional, (38min). Purchase individual class here

Inner Flame: Fire Element- This class was designed to connect you to the fire element by incorporating longer holds and poses/movements that require just a little bit more awareness and effort to cultivate that heat from within. Each movement was specifically chosen to connect you to the fire element through your discipline, determination, and steady breath awareness. This class will leave you feeling powerful and full of heat, allowing you to fully embody the fire element, tapping into the ever-burning embers within. Two blocks suggested, (56min). Purchase individual class here

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